
Engineering Society Elections – WEEF Director Candidate

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Laurin Benson – 3A Chemical Engineering

Hello UW Engineering! My name is Laurin Benson of Chem 2013 (you may not recognize me without my dashing Engplay moustache) and I am running for Waterloo Engineering Endowment Fund Director.

My involvement with WEEF started in 2008 (The Year of the Potato, in case you were wondering) as my class WEEF Representative. I then moved to WEEF Assistant Director last year and have since supported the current Director in facilitating all of WEEF’s responsibilities. We have seen some great accomplishments like WEEF’s 20th Birthday, the 2009-10 proposal seasons, the opening of E5 (thanks to $ 1 million from WEEF) and record WEEF participation rates.

As WEEF Director I will make sure that WEEF keeps accomplishing bigger and better things. My goal each term will to make sure your money goes to the right places. And we are not talking about pocket change here folks – I’m talking about a principal of over $ 9 million. By improving the funding proposal and student review process, I will ensure that it is easy for you, your department and your student team to make the UW Engineering Undergrad experience the best it can possibly be!

“Why do I want to do it?” you may ask. Well, to put it simply, WEEF IS GOOD! Amidst all of the questionable fees we pay each term (I’m talking to you, CECS) your contribution to WEEF goes unbelievably far. Like those new lab computers? THANK WEEF. Enjoying that new machine shop equipment? THANK WEEF. Having fun roaming the lovely halls of E5? THANK WEEF. Impressed by UW student teams making an impression in global competitions? THANK WEEF. I think you get the picture.

As WEEF Director I will make sure that all Engineering Undergrads can continue to THANK WEEF for many terms to come!

Link to Election Issue PDF

Candidate Profiles

President Candidates

Vice-President, Education Candidate

Vice-President, External Candidates

Vice-President, Finance Candidates

Vice-President, Internal Candidate

WEEF Director Candidate

Election Information

A Message From Your Chief-Returning-Officer

Information on How to Vote

Make an Informed Decision!

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