
Engineering Society Elections – Vice President, External Candidates

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Yasser Al-Khder – 2A Mechatronics Engineering


Before I begin talking about my platform and qualifications, I would just like to say thank you for taking the time to read the candidates’ articles. I really appreciate it, and I know that you will take these as seriously as we do.

Now that that is out of the way, let’s start with some introductions; my name is Yasser Al-Khder, and I want to represent you as your next Vice President External. I am currently in 2A Mechatronics Engineering and before I came to Waterloo I lived roughly on the other side of the Earth in Dubai. I’m very passionate about the Engineering Society, and I think that it does a great job representing the engineering student body and providing valuable services. However, I definitely see room for improvement and I want to contribute as much as I can to make EngSoc a better society for all of us.

One of the main duties of the vice president external is to represent the Engineering Society in provincial and federal engineering organizations such as Engineering Student Societies’ Council of Ontario (ESSCO) and Canadian Federation of Engineering Students (CFES). I plan to represent you in these organizations and bring back any ideas and concerns that we can benefit from.

With that being said, I want to focus on strengthening relations between EngSoc and other student societies and organizations within the university. I plan on improving inter-faculty relations by attending council meetings of other societies and invite them to our council meetings. I also plan to set up joint events with other faculties, maybe even have charity competitions and challenge other faculties to raise the most money, similar to The Colour Me Educated Campaign.

In terms of the directorships that are under the responsibility of the vice president external, I plan to be in close contact with the directors, especially prior to and at the beginning of the term so that we can establish goals and come up with new ideas for the directorships.

Lastly, I will follow the footsteps of the current executive team and try to be as professional as possible so that we are taken seriously as a student society. I will also create documentation describing the different directorships and detailing how they run, for smoother transition between directors.

Here are some of my qualifications and experiences that will show you that I am qualified for the job:

  • Passionate about the Engineering Society and willing to improve it
  • Have been the Mechatronics 2014 class rep since 1B
  • Attended several external conferences representing Waterloo Engineering Society, where I was the head delegate for one of them
  • Currently sitting on the Federation of Students (FedS) Council as an Engineering Councilor
  • Appreciate the beauty of point form as opposed to a wall of text

If you have any questions about me or my platform, please do not hesitate to send me an email at yyalkhde@uwaterloo.ca. Or better yet, ask me in person!

Thank you for reading, and don’t forget to vote!

Midori Telles-Langdon – 2A Geological Engineering

The University of Waterloo has one of the most notoriously involved engineering student populations in Canada. We are renowned for our high number of involved students and the sheer scale of our events, which all relates back to our amazing engineering spirit and pride.

My wish to be your Vice President, External is based on this tradition of overwhelming student involvement. I want to be the one to represent our students’ unique needs and perspectives to external organizations such as the Engineering Student Societies’ Council of Ontario (ESSCO) and the Canadian Federation of Engineering Students (CFES). As our student body grows, with increasing enrollment numbers across the board, the voice of our student body grows stronger and stronger. As we now represent a larger segment of the engineering student population our voice within ESSCO and CFES needs to grow stronger as well. I want to be this strong voice.

Closer to home, I would like to increase our visibility within the Waterloo community. I propose to do this by increasing the number of community-based events we host, such as Bus Push. These events present a strong, positive image of engineering students to the community as a whole, which will improve our interactions and relationships with community members. I would like to propose we host a student design team exposition event in Uptown Waterloo Square. Such an event would showcase some of the incredible work our students have accomplished.

On a professional level, I would like to ensure that we have representation at all future meetings of the Professional Engineers Ontario Grand River Chapter. These meetings provide us with valuable opportunities to network with local professionals and learn of any upcoming changes to licensing requirements. This information could then be passed on to the student body by way of the new UW Engineering Society blog, which I would post to regularly.

My desire is to keep students informed. Our external connections provide us with a lot of amazing opportunities, and I want to make sure you know about them. For example, attending conferences is a wonderful experience that I would like to see more UW students benefit from; students like you. For more information about my platform please visit www.eng.uwaterloo.ca/~mmtelles. Now that you know more about the candidates and their platforms I do hope you will take the time to vote February 4th to 7th. Your opinions are important, and without input from students the Engineering Society has no purpose at all. So make your voice heard: vote!

Link to Election Issue PDF

Candidate Profiles

President Candidates

Vice-President, Education Candidate

Vice-President, External Candidates

Vice-President, Finance Candidates

Vice-President, Internal Candidate

WEEF Director Candidate

Election Information

A Message From Your Chief-Returning-Officer

Information on How to Vote

Make an Informed Decision!

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