
Engineering Society Elections – President Candidates

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Alessia Danelon – 3A Mechanical Engineering

My name is Alessia Danelon and I would like to be your next Engineering Society President. I feel that I possess the experience and demeanour to accurately represent the ideas and values of the engineering students here at the University of Waterloo.

I have a plethora of experience from my role as the President of the Engineering Student Societies’ Council of Ontario (ESSCO), both from acting as president for the society, and from communicating regularly with the presidents of engineering societies across Ontario. I understand the dynamics of leading an executive team, and have experience working with and guiding a variety of personalities towards a common goal. I have become well versed with remaining open to opinions, ideas and criticisms from council members, and am able to use feedback to improve the way a society functions.

Another skill I have gained from working with ESSCO is the ability to detach my own personal views from those of the society, and then effectively communicate them to the proper advocacy bodies in a firm yet tactful manner to ensure some level of implementation. I have attended a variety of meetings with various representatives and have experience maintaining a tactful and professional demeanour when necessary.

Despite my lengthy experience working with ESSCO, I am aware that being President of the UW Engineering Society will be a new endeavour. However, I have remained active in the Engineering Society at UW since my 1A term, be it through attending events, volunteering for initiatives, or directing them. I have recently spent a great deal of time trying to improve the services EngSoc is able to offer through my role as Academic Class Rep. Advisor and the Executive Review Committee. I have become extremely well versed in the portfolio of the President through my involvement, and I feel I have an in-depth understanding of how this Society functions, where it is strong, and most importantly, where it can improve.

As UW Engineering Society President, the main thing I would want to accomplish, outside of the mandated portfolio, is transparency of our doings to a greater majority of the engineering students at UW. We are on our way, but there is still a lot to be done to combat the stereotype that “EngSoc is a club that only a select few ‘involved’ people take part in”. EngSoc helps bring forth valid concerns with the curriculum, policies, while providing services and resources for the overall betterment of student life, be that socially, academically or professionally. As president, I would want to actively work with the executive team to make these vital contributions from EngSoc more visible to the general student body, and in turn improve the initiatives undertaken by society through expanded support and feedback.

In short, if you would like a president with experience, who still possesses an open mind to new ideas, vote Alessia Danelon for EngSoc President the weekend of February 4th.

Erin Matheson – 3A Chemical Engineering

Hello fellow Engineering Students. My name is Erin Matheson, I’m in 3A Chemical Engineering and I want to be your next Engineering Society President. First, let me ask you something – what has the Engineering Society done for you lately? For some students, the answer to this is rather lengthy, but unfortunately for most engineering students here, the answer is usually along the lines of ‘not much’. I find this troubling and as president, I will be determined to change this sentiment and have the Engineering Society work for you.

The Engineering Society provides many useful services, such as the exam bank, resume critiques, cheap photocopying, and many others. Unfortunately, these services are underutilized or underdeveloped for use by the majority of society members. When was the last time you got your resume critiqued? As president, I will push for informative advertising and work to fully develop these services further to cater to as many engineering students as possible.

If elected, I wouldn’t just stop at improving existing services as there is so much more that the Society can provide for its students. I will work to include more dedicated study space on campus in future engineering building plans, as well as work with administration to reserve space in the meantime for students to study on campus.

Events currently put on by the society are always lots of fun,I will work to offer a more diverse selection of events and activities that cater to a wider audience. Having more casual events like video game  or foosball night every week in POETS or even having space reserved in the PAC/CIF for some pick-up sports for engineering students would provide a more welcoming and casual environment to meet some fellow engineering students, or to hang out with your favourite classmates.

Have you ever had your own great idea for an engineering activity? I will work to develop a more robust support system for both returning and new activities directors to encourage more people to get involved with the society and bring their own ideas to the table.

When we come together as an entire student body we can accomplish tremendous change – we were able to change PDEng because of all of the student feedback it received. The current executive has done a tremendous job pushing to improve the structure of the society as a whole, student-administration relations as well as our image across campus and I will ensure this work continues, but I believe I’m the only candidate who will work to have the society provide as much as it can for its students as well. A student society closely linked to its faculty is only effective if it’s just as linked to the community of students it serves as well.
You pay an Engineering Society fee every term – you should get some value out of it! To view my full platform, to submit any questions or comments about what I will do if elected president, or even for a good laugh visit www.erinmatheson.com. Get more out of engineering – Vote MATHESON.

Angela Rossi – 3A Chemical Engineering

Hi, my name is Angela Rossi and I am in 3A Chemical Engineering.  I have been actively involved in the Engineering Society (EngSoc) since first year and I am very passionate when it comes to Engineering events, services and opportunities.  I am proud of the reputation that Waterloo’s Engineering program has developed to date and look forward to seeing its impact continue.

Over my past 4 academic terms I have organized events such as Semi –Formal (thrice) and Canada Day 2010 as well as numerous Charity events like pancake breakfasts, float day, Movember and a Terry Fox Run.  I have participated as a leader in Engineering Orientation Week the past two years and am looking forward to O-Week 2011.  This term I am a Semi-Formal Director, a Bus Push Director and a Charities Director.

My platform is based on three pillars which I intend to focus my time and energy if I were elected as your Engineering Society President.


The Engineering Society was started for and is maintained by students for students.  As such, I want to continue to reach out to all Engineering students and show them what the Engineering Society has to offer (services, clubs, events, opportunities, etc.).  I would try to visit classes on a biweekly basis to elicit student feedback and encourage open communication between the Society’s executive and its members.  What more would you like EngSoc to offer (e.g. a new team)?  How can EngSoc better serve you?  How can EngSoc make your university experience unforgettable?  What are your concerns, opinions and ideas?  How can we make EngSoc run more efficiently and effectively?  I want to voice student opinions, inspire change and see results.


I would like to continue to improve the Engineering Society’s image through continued inter-faculty events, such as Semi-Formal, and campus wide fundraisers, like Colour Me Educated.  I believe that it is important that EngSoc have a professional and friendly reputation with the other societies, and think it is important that EngSoc encourage the idea of “One Waterloo”.


It is important to me that the Kitchener Waterloo Community be aware of all the positive things that the University of Waterloo and specifically the Engineering Society do for our local community.  I would try to regularly communicate with the local paper and ask them to provide some media coverage when an event directly benefits the community, like a food drive, toy mountain or car wash.  Waterloo students have hearts of gold and deserve some credit for our generosity.

My name is Angela Rossi.  I am passionate, personable and professional and I want to be YOUR Engineering Society President.  Thank you.

Link to Election Issue PDF

Candidate Profiles

President Candidates

Vice-President, Education Candidate

Vice-President, External Candidates

Vice-President, Finance Candidates

Vice-President, Internal Candidate

WEEF Director Candidate

Election Information

A Message From Your Chief-Returning-Officer

Information on How to Vote

Make an Informed Decision!

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