
Engineering Society Elections – Vice President, Internal Candidate

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Andrew Fisher – 3A Civil Engineering

Hello Engineering!  I hope your day has been fantastic so far!  My name is Andrew Fisher and I am running for the Vice-President Internal position.  I am from the small town of Dorchester Ontario, and am currently in 3A Civil Engineering.

If you have taken a look at my posters, you may have noticed that my campaign focuses on the slogan “Let me bring you into the picture.”  Let me delve into this further.  My main goal if elected as Vice-President Internal is to expand the positive image of the Engineering Society to those who don’t already participate in Engineering Society events.  This is of huge importance to me as it will make the Engineering Society more inclusive than it already is, and create a faculty which is united as one.  This ‘united as one’ philosophy will help students feel more comfortable coming to Engineering Society events which will in turn increase event attendance.  Some ideas to make this happen are revamping the P**5 (Paul and Paula Plummer Participation Points) system, create a new form of video advertising and continue to expand the role of class rep directors and class reps.

My second goal is to make it easier for directors to plan their events.  I hope to make event planning less of a logistical nightmare and more of an enjoyable experience.  This will be done by creating a more comprehensive archive of past directorships which will include the rooms booked, companies used, contacts, budgets, and tips for improvement.  To supplement this, I will maintain a strong communication link between myself and the directors through a deadline planning session, periodic meetings and email updates.

So do I have what it takes to make this happen? Absolutely!  My strong organizational and time management skills which I possess, and will further develop as a member of the Federation Orientation Committee will be a huge asset when overseeing the 23 directorship positions under the Vice-President Internal.   I have a strong work ethic and will do everything in my power to ensure each event runs as efficiently and successfully as possible.  To supplement this, I have held numerous directorships in the past and understand the challenges faced when planning a faculty event.  My passion and dedication that I will bring to the position of Vice-President Internal will not only benefit the Executive Team, but to the students who we represent in the Engineering Society.  Take the time this weekend to vote and remember, “Let me bring you into the picture.”

Link to Election Issue PDF

Candidate Profiles

President Candidates

Vice-President, Education Candidate

Vice-President, External Candidates

Vice-President, Finance Candidates

Vice-President, Internal Candidate

WEEF Director Candidate

Election Information

A Message From Your Chief-Returning-Officer

Information on How to Vote

Make an Informed Decision!

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  1. JST Books


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