
While You Were Out

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello, A-Soc. Welcome to another Spring Term here on the Waterloo Campus. It is great to see all of your pretty faces again. Speaking of pretty faces, you may have noticed that there are a number of pretty faces no longer with us. Last winter, the Engineering 2011 class got their Iron Rings, finished 4B and will be convocating in the next month.

Another exciting thing that happened was the B-Soc elections. Congratulations to the new President Alessia Danelon, VP-Education Owen Coutts, VP-Internal Andrew Fisher, VP-External Yasser Al-Khder and VP-Finance Alexandra Collins. A-Soc will be having their Executive elections this term as well, so look out for that. Plans to reorganize the executive structure to include commissioners (positions serving greater responsibility than directors, but less than executives)  were devised for which the pilot will be implemented this fall. A-Soc will be able to learn from the pilot program after which the two societies can then decide together how to move forward with reform.

During the month of March, EngSoc took part in the National Engineering Month celebrations where a number of events were held during Pi Week (Week of March 14th).  EngSoc also collaborated with students from around Ontario to make a Rube Goldberg machine, which was set off at ten different universities across Ontario in order to light the CN Tower purple. To see the machine, go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIiUyGQ4tks, and proceed 5:14 minutes into the video to see UW’s contribution.

Waterloo teams placed in all the divisions we competed in at the Ontario Engineering Competition. Our Junior Design Team even went on to win the Canadian Engineering Competition. Hopefully A-Soc will prove their mettle at the Waterloo Engineering Competition this summer.

Other notable things that happened in the previous term are: Charities Directors are now over halfway towards their goal ($8,500) to build a school in Udaipur, India via Free The Children; Semiformal directors had a masquerade charity ball, in which the proceeds went to building the school in India; the Federation of Students had their annual elections where Matt Colphon was elected as the new Feds President.

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