
Time to Apply for Exchange

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Time is a quantity which we can never replenish. It provides markers for things we have done and must do. Time is what we need for all our activities, and we never have enough of it. One must use time wisely, whether for working, playing, or even studying.

If you are now in 1B or 2A, you might think that there is an almost endless expanse of time until graduation and the time you will have for embarking on a life-long career. But that time is finite, and some decisions need to be made very soon.

For instance, you know that Canada lives in a world of international trade and a world where people of various nationalities, religions and races are increasingly interdependent. Your ability to prosper in this new global environment, whether you specialize in nanotechnology, management, mechanical, or any other branch of engineering, depends on the way you take advantage of opportunities that are, by their very nature, time dependent. One such opportunity is given by the International Exchange program in the Faculty of Engineering. It may seem far away to third year, when you might be able to go on exchange, but the time when you must make up your mind to participate is fast approaching. Let it go by and you may never get another chance.

The deadline for application for exchange in the Fall 2011 and Winter 2012 terms is the end of January, this year. Our partner schools begin to make their choices for admission in February. There is competition to be a member of the group recommended to certain schools by the Faculty of Engineering and the University of Waterloo. For example, there may be as few as two places from across the university, one from Engineering, to study in some Australian universities.

If you are unwilling to learn a foreign language, or to brush up your skills in French, the choice is even more restricted. But, if you are attracted to the once-in-a-lifetime possibility of traveling to exotic lands, experiencing other cultural environments, learning how others study and acquire knowledge and expertise, all within the bounds, including time, of the Waterloo Engineering Degree, then take advantage of the time at your disposal, and decide now to go on exchange.

Exchange is a privilege that we offer to students who meet certain minimum criteria: complete 2B with an average of no less than 70% for the three terms prior to departure and satisfy language requirements when appropriate. There are more than 60 destinations in quality Engineering schools around the world. There is some financial help available in the form of bursaries, scholarships and travel grants. Yes, there are extra costs, mainly the need to buy an airline ticket to the partner school’s country, and other expenses associated with extra travel and entertainment. But you can control those things; think of it as short-term expense for long-term recompense; the experience you will gain on exchange is unique and irreplaceable, any time any place.

About 100 students now in fourth year have gone on exchange – just ask them whether it’s a good idea. They will be unanimous about the value of their experience. There is also a large number of foreign exchange students on campus, taking our courses and studying with us. Ask some of them what they think of exchange and why.

Now is the time for all good students to apply for exchange! Read about the details at www.eng.uwaterloo.ca/~exchange, download the application forms, sign up with Cindy Howe in the Engineering undergraduate office (CPH 1320) (cindy@uwaterloo.ca) to get individual advice, but above all: time is of the essence – act now!

Peter H. Roe

Director of Exchange Programs,

Faculty of Engineering

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