On October 26, the Engineering Society hosted TalEng, the engineering talent show, at Wilf’s restaurant and bar. With the exception of a couple of EngSoc members none of the names of performers are mentioned in the article.
I went with a couple of my friends, and had a chance to eat some food (very good) and enjoy the talents of our fellow engineering students (even better). Personally, I’m a big fan of the spinach dip and enjoyed the excuse to order it.
At nine, the show got started. The performances included a duet on the piano, an original song, some fiddle, an original remix of a rap song, several covers of songs, and the EngSoc president Ellen performed with the guitar. During the breaks between individual presentations several people would tell jokes, some corny, some genuinely funny, all entertaining. Every performer brought their all and were met by the cheers of the crowd.
Right after the first performance the Tool made an appearance, and the new VP finance Jay was sworn in on it. I was not expecting the appearance so it was a bit of a surprise, but a welcome one nevertheless. The tool bearers then stayed for the rest of the show, writing comments and requests on papers for the performers to, say, do more dancing.
One of the most notable performances was a pair lip-syncing in very extravagant way to Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen. The two embodied the energy of the song and engaged with the audience, moving into the crowd to interact with individuals directly. One then continued like this through three more songs, keeping the same energy throughout.
Overall, the entire night had a very encouraging and positive environment. As this was my first EngSoc event I feel like I understood the vibe that these events have. A fun community who encourages the upbeat chaos that community brings.
Unfortunately, I ended up leaving early because of other commitments, and can’t report on the last hour of the show. I don’t doubt however that it was the same energy as the rest of the night. My thanks go out to EngSoc for running the event, and to the individuals who performed.
Everyone walked over from Poets at eight, and after getting there at eight, we had about an hour to hang around, order some food and get ready for the show.who were there to make sure the event ran like it did.
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