
Waterloo Pins “Gotta Catch ‘em All”

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Have you noticed the coloured pins that have been floating around campus? Have you noticed students wearing the “buttons shirts”? They’re a part of Waterloo’s new “Ideas Start Here” campaign. The goal of this campaign is to help with the unification of Waterloo’s faculties and students, and to promote the university in a new, innovative way off-campus. The pins come in eight different colours, one for each faculty and two for Waterloo’s colours. These are, purple for Engineering, teal for AHS, orange for Arts, pink for Math, green for Environment, dark blue for Science and red and yellow for Waterloo’s colours. These pins are given out in a “one to wear and one to share” style and are found in jars distributed all around campus. During orientation week, they were distributed to FOC members, liaisons, residence dons,  and other section leaders. They first began distribution at Student Life 101, the event that allows first-years to ask last-minute questions about their program, finances and residences before the start of term. They will continue to be distributed until supplies run out. So go out to school events, find the distribution jars and collect them all!

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