
Party Like It’s 1999

In an attempt to bring you, the student, some new and exciting information, I went searching through Iron Warriors of old to find out what I could about the university we call home. I thought it would be cool to tell you about what we published in issue 2 of the summer term 17 years ago, but when I went looking, it turns out … well 17 years isn’t all that long ago, and today we’re still talking about exactly the same things we were talking about then.

As a small recap, if you were curious, Midnight sun was getting ready to head to Sunrayce ’99, ESSCO AGM was taking place in a mystery location, gas prices were ridiculous (59 ¢/L whaatt?), Systems Design class of 2003 won the ’99 Havenger Scunt, and Waterloo went to Wonderland for the math and science day.

So, instead of talking about those very common-place things, I thought I’d give you some perspective from 1999 to lighten up your day. Specifically, how much better off we have co-op now. Better? You say incredulously. Yes, better surprising as that is.

Although it can be agreed how horrid Jobmine is and how ridiculous it is that WaterlooWorks is… still in the works… one thing is definitely also true, the students of 1999 had it worse. Imagine, if you will, a world without the Jobmine Glitch to let you know you have an offer, imagine not even having an online database for jobs, the terror is unimaginable.

Imagine having to go around campus looking at co-op job boards or going to the CECS building, definitely not the nice Tatham Centre, to ask about job postings. Then, once you’ve found out about jobs, you can go drop off up to 24 (yup, twenty-four whole resumes) in various job-boxes in Needles Hall. How they told you if you got interviews, God only knows. Probably by carrier pigeon.

Unlike now, interviews did not happen at the TC and you were paged to your interview room over crackly speakers and a bad mic. The next stage after interviews, rankings, was even worse. Apparently, there was a place with the inviting title “the Pit” where you went and stood in line for 15 minutes during your lunch break to find out if you even got ranked, if not you were probably fed to the lions for a gladiator show or something.

Personally, although I won’t stop complaining about Jobmine, I will secretly be grateful I’m a GeoE 2020, not 2003, and maybe you’ll appreciate your birthdate a little more now too!

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