
What’s a Yoga? Can I nom it?

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

No, reader, unfortunately you cannot nom yoga. Nor would you want to. Yoga is best enjoyed with patience and an open mind and, in our humble opinion, oral intake simply won’t do. We would now like to give you a sneak peek at what really goes on inside a pair of yoga pants.

Yoga originated in India, a long, long time ago and is linked with the spiritual practice of Hinduism and other religions. Recently, yoga has stretched its way across the many seas from India to North America. This has had diverse ramifications. Some that may immediately come to mind are the less-than-flattering-on-many, very-flattering-on-a-select-few yoga pants or the Will Ferrell SNL skit.  However, for those who have actually tried yoga, the experience has been much more rewarding. Increased strength and flexibility, leaner muscle tone, and the discovery of muscles you never knew you had are among the many physical benefits. It also helps to correct the “I live in a DC cubicle” posture by stretching and strengthening the muscles that have long been neglected by the average library dweller.

Yoga also has a very spiritual side, depending on which practice you choose; practices can range from transcendental experiences to the simple act of de-stressing through exercise. Our experience with yoga (which has spanned 4 years for one of us and 4 months for the other), has led to experiments with focus, self-control, and patience. More than just a cool party trick, yoga had led to self-improvement in many areas of our lives.

There are plenty of opportunities to get involved with yoga on campus. The CIF offers a variety of classes, and both UW and the Engineering Society have organized free yoga sessions in the past. We encourage you to go out and try it for yourself. We promise, even if you can’t feel your legs after your first class, you will feel good on the inside.

More than anything, we would like to stress that yoga is not just for hippies or Lululemon junkies. Yoga can improve your life whether you are a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess or a criminal.


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