
Student Teams: IEEE

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

The IEEE (pronounced “eye-triple-E”) Student Branch is a part of one of the worlds largest professional organizations. As a student group, we plan and run several technical talks and workshops delivered by industry professionals every year. Most recently, we’ve had a Waterloo graduate come up from starting a successful Silicon Valley startup to deliver a talk on entrepreneurship. Before that, NVIDIA came down to do a talk on graphics computing in the cloud.

We don’t just set up tech talks and workshops, though. Our members also make up our Warbots Robotics Team. This interdisciplinary team, which started last year, is always looking for smart and engaged people interested in robotics and in software development. The team is working towards designing and building an autonomous team of soccer playing robots to compete in the international RoboCup games (last year, it was held in the Netherlands!).

Whether you’re interested in hardware or software, robots or apps, there’s always a way to get involved. If you’re interested in keeping tabs on our public talks, workshops, and events, check out the IEEE Student Branch Facebook page at www.facebook.com/ieeewaterloo. You can also stop by our workbay on the second floor of Engineering 5, next to the electronics lab, or our office in EIT 3107 (the room with the IEEE sign above the door), to find posters about upcoming events, or talk to a current team member.

If you are interested in getting more involved in the branch as a leader or volunteer, we’d love to hear from you directly at info@ieeesb.ca.

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