
Light Brown: Giants

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Fe Fi Fo Fum! Watch out because here the Giants come! That’s right fellow future engineers, your first task as part of the LIGHT BROWN GIANTS for Orientation Week 2013 is to stomp the competition. Do you have what it takes? (we know you do… you’re a Waterloo Engineer!) Throughout the week, your skills and knowledge will be tested, but with the help of your Bigs and Huges, we can guarantee that we’ll be head and shoulders above the rest! From the tiniest ogres to the mightiest giants, we shall unite as one and defeat that pesky Jack! SO get pumped up, get LOUD, and get out your inner GIANT! All Hallows week will bow down to the power of the Giants!!!

We’re Big, we’re Tall, Light Brown will win it all!

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