
Light Blue: Monsters

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello children! I see you’re getting ready for bed. Look at you in your onesie, teddy bear, water in your Hello Kitty mug. You seem so prepared for a night of dreams, sweet and undisturbed. You’re expecting to be safe and sound underneath the covers of your bed, as if hidden away from any evils in the world. I’m sorry to say but the world doesn’t work that way. We seek joy in hiding in your room and disturbing your peaceful slumber; scaring you is not only a joy, it’s a way of life. What’s that? You saw the curtain twitch? Silly child, It’s probably just the wind outside. A creak beneath you? Oh now that’s just your squeaky bed. No need to be afraid of some regular old household noises. That’s right, nothing to be frightened of here… just close your eyes… and keep them closed because there is no guarantee you won’t be terrified of what is in front of you if you open them.

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