
Red: Pirates

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Shiver me timbers, who goes there? Yo-ho-ho, ahoy matey and welcome to our grand beauty of a crew.  The sun be shinin’ and the sea beckons ye. Ye don’t have a black spot on yer hand now do ya? Good, we want to find as much booty as we can this week, so let’s use ingenuity to pillage and plunder all the treasure this week! We be the Red Crew, made up of the Cap’n Huges and our Big crew! We be sailing the seas night and day looking for loot and fighting any of the scallywags we may encounter, but watch out for the ones dressed in black! Aye, raise yer Jolly Roger and let’s set sail towards the swaggy!

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