
Pink: Mad Scientists

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

MUUAAAHAHAhahahahaaaaaaa!!! We’ve done it! We’ve finally done it! The engineering professors told us that a Six-Legged, Pink-Spotted Death Ray would be impossible to build, but this year’s Pink Team finally pulled it off!

Of course, it’s not completely finished… we still need to make the final adjustments to the binary flux capacitor. And those other modifications to the cerebral cortex bifurcator, and the primary quantum cheese grater. Oh! And we can’t forget about the plasma velociraptor cannons. Those will be the most impressive part.

Alright, so maybe the Six-Legged Pink-Spotted Death Ray isn’t fully functional, but I’m sure that with the help of the clever new first years, it will be working by the end of Orientation Week. And then, my minions… then, WE CAN TAKE OVER THE WORLD. Huehuehuehuehuehueh…

Whether you’re a Mythbuster, an evil doctor, a wacky inventor — or even if you saw The Human Centipede and thought: “hey, that’s not a bad idea” — this year’s Pink Team is looking forward to meeting all of you and getting our science on. As a great man once said: “Science Rules!”

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