
Winter Adventures

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

IT’S WINTER TIME!!! Personally my favourite season! Before you start hating me for saying that, know this: I am a proud Calgarian. Most of the time that explains everything, or is enough to get a nod of understanding. If you aren’t big on winter hear me out; if you are, well then get out there and enjoy it. You might be telling yourself that winter is lame. “I’m stuck inside all the time with nothing to do.” Here’s the secret. Suck it up, go wrap yourself up in warm winter clothes, some boots (maybe, but highly recommended) and go find yourself a toboggan and a hill. This may sound childish, but it’s one of the best things in the world and a whole lot cheaper than going skiing or snowboarding. This is important because we are all starving students. More importantly, I warn you now, tobogganing can be a dangerous activity (people have gotten concussions and broken bones), but if you are smart and don’t wipe out at the bottom of the hill; it is well worth the fun and the cold.

Maybe you are not up for such dangerous and exhilarating fun. Then I suggest you go skating. Grab a few friends: some that can skate, some that can’t (these ones are fun to watch as they learn to skate and wave their arms around like flying geese). Uptown Waterloo even has a free open skating rink for people to enjoy. From what I’ve heard this is the first year they’ve done it, so go use it and hopefully with high participation they will do it again next winter. So maybe you still aren’t up for the cold. Go find yourself a restaurant that offers Hot Pot; these are awesome if you aren’t into the cold because you’ll have a boiling pot of soup in front of you! You cook and eat delicious pre-cut meats, seafoods, vegetables and noodles. But be warned again, make sure you don’t order anything strange like pig uteri (if you enjoy eating this, I am sorry, but I find it terribly strange). Lastly and most importantly, end off each outing with a round of hot chocolate and some cuddling on a couch, watching a movie/tv show that you enjoy.

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