
Program – Management

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Welcome to the club, Class of 2017! We are so glad to have you join us! For the new incoming students, the next few lines will help you better understand what you’ve just signed up for, for others it’ll help you understand what Management Engineering is really about.

Management Engineering is using mathematical models and software to optimize and improve systems. That would be the fancy way to say things. Putting it simply, Management Engineers takes systems, any system: A railway transportation system, a computer network, a soccer league, anything. Then using mathematical techniques to reduce extra costs, inefficiencies, time, etc, we find an optimal output. This is just one of the many features of our program.

There are a number of other things that we also get to work with such as telecommunications networking problems, forecasting and scheduling, design and implementations of information systems being just a few. To assist with all the problem solving and designing involved Management Engineers study Statistics, Algebra, Programming, Software Design and some Business-related concepts.

Management Engineers are not learning to manage engineers, they take on business concepts to help provide solutions to problems that are critical to the management level of a company.

It is a great program to be a part of and we look forward to you being a part of it!

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