
Program – Electrical

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Welcome Electricals to the University of Waterloo and to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

First year Electrical will be an eye-opener for most of you. You need to buckle down and create good study skills fast if you want to make it out in 5 years. In first year, you will be bombarded with a myriad of different topics. The most important will be your circuits courses, and probably your 4 calculus courses. These are the backbone for electrical engineering, so study them well.

Don’t forget to take a break from studying, otherwise you will go insane. A great way to do that is through extracurriculars. There are many different groups on campus that will have what interests you. Be sure to check out the engineering society to meet some new friends in different programs.

Welcome and may you have the best 5-7 years of your life!

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