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Farewell to the Graduating Class of 2012

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

The graduating class of 2012 has been attending engineering at the University of Waterloo for five or more years. They are comprised mainly of what were 2007 first years. If you are in first year, these people were starting university when you were starting high school. The graduating class of 2012 has done many great things during their time in engineering at the University of Waterloo. They, along with their predecessors, have shaped the faculty to what it is today. One of their most influential successes was their part in the replacement of PDEng with WatPD.

Over the next week, many departments will be holding symposiums to demonstrate the fourth year design projects of their students. Many fourth years have been putting in long nights over the last few weeks to demonstrate the skills they learned over their undergraduate career. The fourth years also demonstrated their artistic side a few weeks prior through their fourth year pranks. The University of Waterloo Engineering students have continued their tradition of having funny and tasteful fourth year pranks instead of extremely unruly ones seen at other universities.

Now it is time for members of the graduating class to find full time jobs, take research positions around the world, or take a moment to rest after what has likely been the busiest five to seven years of their lives. Many members of the class will be travelling to different provinces, countries, and continents to find their dream jobs, make new friends, and start families. Those of us who are not graduating will remember them for their contributions to our program and our culture.

Farewell, and thanks for the memories.

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