
Civil Engineering

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Welcome! You have just made your first big step into the world of civil engineering. The undergraduate Civil Engineering program at the University of Waterloo will provide you with a well-rounded, holistic learning experience that you will get to develop with the various classes and labs (and sometimes even outdoors!) that you will be taking. Not only will the program challenge you to develop your knowledge in physics, calculus, and chemistry, you will also get to apply your knowledge within numerous aspects of civil engineering: structural analysis, geotechnical engineering, sustainability, earth sciences, hydraulics, water quality, material sciences, transportation, pavement design, airport planning, economics, programming, etc.

In your first year, expect to develop the knowledge you learned in high school even further, especially when it comes to physics and calculus. Expect to be introduced to some exciting work such as surveying in the fields along Columbia Lake and testing rocks in the Earth Sciences Lab.  Keep in mind what kinds of things you enjoy because in later terms, you start choosing “technical electives” to shape your degree towards the field you are most interested in.

All in all, be sure to get help from your TAs or professors when you need it, build strong relationships within your class, and never hesitate to talk with upper year classes – we have all gone through what you are now, and we’d be happy to lend a hand. Outside of class, participate in extracurricular activities that interest you, and manage your time so that you can have an enjoyable and successful first year. And remember, Civils Always Win!

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