
There’s a Lot Going on in the CFES

Hi everyone, I hope all of you enjoyed your reading break. Over the reading break, the CFES has been jam-packed with preparations for the last two conferences of the school year.

The first on the list of conferences is the Conference on Sustainability in Engineering (CSE) taking place in Prince George, BC. By the time you read this, we’ll have taken our delegation of 5 to the conference to learn all about this year’s theme, “The Triple Bottom Line”. If you want to learn more about CSE and the other initiatives of the CFES, I recommend that check out this year’s conference website at cfes.ca/cse.

Next up on the list of CFES conferences is the Canadian Engineering Competition (CEC). CEC is coming to Waterloo from March 1st – March 4th. There are currently calls for volunteers out to help run the competition. They are looking for volunteers to help run events, translate, and setup for the competition. It’s going to be an awesome event and it’s a great opportunity to meet engineers from across the country and expand your network. Everyone should take this opportunity to and apply using this link: http://bit.ly/CECVolunteer

Since we last spoke, we also took a group of ten delegates to the First Year Integration Conference put on by ESSCO and hosted by Laurentian University. Our delegates represented the University of Waterloo excellently and had the chance to network with students from all across Ontario. To find out more, I recommend that you look out for our report written by our delegates coming in the near future. Make sure to checkout the EngSoc website in the near future for the new conferences page where all of our applications and conference reports will be located.

If you have suggestions please feel free to come by CPH 1327 or drop me a line at vpcomm.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca.

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