
I ship you ship we all ship for Sponsorship

Hello all, It’s that fun and fantastic time of year, funtastic if you will. You know it, I know it, it’s time to get your sponsorship requests in. So if you or someone you know is a member of a student team, get your sponsorship requests in if they are not already. You can use this to get more money to build cool things. This is a great opportunity for student teams both old and new! Sponsorship can really help get a student team off the ground or over the finish line. Come to EngSoc for help and money. To apply for funding go to the EngSoc website (www.engsoc.uwaterloo.ca) and head on over to that fancy Finance tab. Under Finance you can see the sponsorship option. That should take you to the sponsorship page (https://www.engsoc.uwaterloo.ca/services/sponsorship-2/) and fill out the form. From there it’ll be processed and you’ll get a time to present your case for why you deserve the monies. Then the committee, that was selected during the last council meeting (council meeting 2), will decide how to distribute the money. After that we will contact you about the results. Now to fill my word count here are some carefully curated sponsorships jokes:

Welcome to the VP Finance portfolio, where everybody counts

How Santa come up with the cost for his sleigh for sponsorship, net present value

Honestly it was way harder to find jokes on sponsorship then I initially anticipated. I thought that this would be a lot like building a ship, a veritable sponsorship (get it…). Anyway, I’ll see you all next time or whenever you come into the office and I’m there or whatever.

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