EngSoc, Events

Ben VP Academic

You may recognize me from the presidential campaign, but if you don’t, my name is Benjamin Beelen and I’m a 2B Environmental Engineering student. I’m running to for Vice-President Academic and I have lots of experience dealing with faculty and especially CECA. If you see me in POETS feel free to ask me about my CECA experience, it’s a pretty good story!

My focus should I be elected VPA is to build a strong and permanent communication bridge with CECA. Many of us, including myself, came to Waterloo for the co-op. Things like “Co-op 2.0” and WaterlooWorks actuals budget were poorly communicated to the entire student body, including us engineers. Ideas I would explore to begin building this bridge would be to make a standing invitation for CECA to general council meetings, creating a committee on co-op success with CECA representatives and the creation of engineering specific CECA town halls to be held on engineering schedule appropriate hours.

One of my focuses will be a small but tangible change, or should I say recovery, of the calligraphy seen on the graduating class photos. Sometime around 2008, calligraphy disappeared off the graduating classes’ legacy. This leaves us with the current printer fonts which when mounted next to the previous classes, looks boring and bland. I want to find out why this happened, and begin the work to bring the calligraphy back.

Finally, should I be elected VPA, I will continue the fantastic efforts seen by our current VPA, Andrew McBurney. Andrew has done an excellent job at representing the society to faculty and his communication, and mixtapes, has set the bar high for his successor. I believe I am fit to be that successor.

Have a fantastic rest of the term, and remember to vote!

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