
JAGM, Sub-Societies, and The Tool’s Birthday!

The weather is beautiful, the profs are more chill, and EngSoc is always here to serve your every will. All poetry aside, I hope you’re all doing well friends, and hope you’ve been enjoying your summer term! Things have been super busy on my end, but I love the job that I’ve signed up for, so it makes it all worthwhile! 🙂

 Over the past few weeks, let’s just say that there hasn’t been a dull moment in the life of the EngSoc President. I have been working on action plans for Orientation Week with Rachel Malevich (my B-Society counterpart), and we have a good plan for where we see EngSoc’s involvement within Orientation Week moving forward. We are hoping to meet with EngFOC in order to work things out even further; more to come as the term roles on. One major thing that has taken up a lot of my time recently is organizing the logistics of this year’s Joint Annual General Meeting (JAGM), which is happening on June 24th at 5 pm in RCH 101. For those of you who may not be aware, JAGM is a meeting wherein members from both A-Society and B-Society get together to discuss very important matters pertaining to the Engineering Society. This meeting is open to any and all Engineering Society members (that’s you!), and each member will be able to vote on behalf of themselves and up to two proxy members. We will be discussing policy changes, reviewing the auditor’s report from the previous year, and we will be electing next year’s Board of Directors, so I highly recommend that you all attend if possible.

 This term, I have hired a Sub-Societies Commissioner, Silvia Lee, and we will be working on reaching out to all existing sub-societies within Waterloo Engineering. Along with the support of the Engineering Society Board of Directors, our aim is to essentially be able to work with the executive of the sub-societies and provide support wherever needed, and introduce a sharing of best practices between the sub-societies in order to allow them to serve our students in the best way possible. We both have the same intentions in mind in terms of providing services to benefit our students, so it only makes sense to work together on that. More on that as things develop.

 I will end my update in the same way that I ended the previous one. This term, we will see our coveted mascot, The Tool, turn 50 years old! We will be celebrating its birthday on June 16th in POETS from 2-4 pm. There will be party games, cake, and a chance to take a picture with the Tool, so come show your love for the Tool by wishing it a happy birthday! With all the hype surrounding the Tool’s Birthday, we are running a term-long scavenger hunt (which you can find at bit.ly/SCUNT_S17), where you can win prizes like patches, shirts, and 1 of 5 rare PURPLE HARDHATS! The scavenger hunt will be going on from now until Engineering Day (July 14th), where the person who introduced the Tool to Waterloo, Jim Pike, will be attendance!

Thanks for taking the time to read my article, and I’ll catch you all next time 😉

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