
EngSoc Events

Hey all, welcome to your bi-weekly update on the events going on at your university. I travel around to as many events as I can get my butt to and hope to interview some of the people taking part in them. Each week I’ll be going to events, taking photos and talking to some enthusiastic participants. Want to see your name or face on this page? Better come out to some Engineering Events taking place every day!

Résume Critiques

Tron (Raveena, Adriana, Oswaldo, Tracy)
Why did you come to Resume Critiques? “We want a better resume to get a software or mechanical job.” “Or any job really, should I say that?”

Tron (Steven)
How did you hear about the event, and why did you come? “I just saw the event on Facebook. Really I just want my resume to get wrecked.”
What jobs are you looking to get? “Software jobs, 100%, even though I hadn’t coded before coming to university.”

Civil (Adrian)
How did you hear about Resume critiques? “We heard about it from friends, everyone was talking about it. I’m hoping to get another perspective, someone else’s point of view.”
What would be your best and worst case job scenario? “Best would be a job in construction, or building science maybe. Worst case would be something far away, working for the government.” Sorry kid, but a government job is definitely in your future somewhere if you stick with civil!

Civil (Abdullah, Samir, Ambri, Sina)
“We heard about the event through Facebook mostly.”
What are you hoping to get out of your session? “Looking for a nice, neat resume. I want them to tell me what to fix, what to remove and add. Someone to tell me to get rid of all the B.S.! It would be good to get some upper year tips for interviews and experience job searching.”
“Best job would be in an office doing AutoCAD. Or on a construction site or doing surveying. I would hate to have the job where you stand around counting cars all day at the stop light.”

Civil (Allison)
How did you find your session? “It was helpful because the person I talked to was also in civil. They told me what people look for in the industry and gave me specific criteria. I liked it.”

Mechanical (Azalea)
“I found the session helpful. The person I was with understood that in order to make it better you need to give harsh but constructive criticism. They really tore up my resume but it was very useful and in depth.”
What kind of job are you hoping to get? “Something where I can develop my technical skills I hope!”



Some honest quotes from some honest folks.

Some 2A Enviros
“The cake was not a lie.”
*Non-commital shrug* There’s lots of mingling.”
“I’m excited. I love engineering events, they confirm my eningeering spirit, I’m just so excited.” “Please quote me further: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times> But actually only the best of times #BOT2012”

2A Geo, 1B ECE
“I’m impressed it turned out so nicely. It’s a really great way to start the term!”
“It’s good but I feel like I’m the only first year here. I can’t go on the pubcrawl which is too bad…”

People, including 2A Tron, 3B ECE, a 3A Chem and I lost track of the others (It was a party, people move)
“I’m loving the Twix bites!”
“There’s a lot of people, it’s a good surprise.”
“A grrrrrrreat success. Please write that with a Scottish accent.”
“We need beer.”

4B Tron
“The cake was very mushy but also very tasty.”

Coming up in the next two weeks we have some super exciting events! We’ve got workshops on everything from Robert’s Rules to technical interview prep to life skills to in-line editing! Additional events include de-stress activities, WaterlooWorks-a-thon and Coffee House!

Stay up-to-date yourself by checking out the EngSoc Facebook page and signing up for their email list!

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