Humour, Tin Soldier

Men in Engineering

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Gender equality is very important in the workplace, and society in general. Groups of people have been advocating for this as far back as the mid 19th century, but one inequality has recently come to my attention. Women in engineering get a lot of attention when it comes to equality, but no one ever talks men in engineering. Likely because men in engineering do just fine. There are lots of men in high up places in companies, doing high end research and design work throughout every discipline of engineering. Being a man is usually a good time.

When it comes to the Tin Soldier though, gender roles are seemingly reversed. Our editor in chief and the majority of our staff writers are women. The men in the Tin Soldier feel problems comparable to women in the workplace. We are paid less P***5 points per article than the female writers. When asked why this was, EIC WHATSHERNAME had no response. In general the men in the office have an overwhelming sense of helplessness around the office.

We are held to ridiculous standards of appearance. We spend an immense amount of time preparing ourselves in the morning, doing hair and makeup, just to meet the standards of our female coworkers. We feel like we are valued more for our physical attributes than for our intellect. We bear the brunt of distribution of the paper, carrying boxes and boxes of papers across campus while our female coworkers merely encourage. Once a male co-worker of mine was made to lift a box unto a high shelf, only to be ordered to retrieve it minutes later. The women in the office relished watching his exertions.

A solution for this would be to have real equality among genders in the writer’s room. I plead for more men to join the Tin Soldier as writers, but the Tin Soldier matriarchy tries to prevent this. Term after term the EIC torch passes from woman to woman and term by term men are taken advantage of. Long term this cannot be sustainable. Men, forming the lower class within the Tin Soldier, will eventually rise up in a Marxist style revolution and form a communist power structure within the office.

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