
Exam Time: When small wins seem so much larger….

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Exams are nearly upon us, and with them comes  the final deadlines for homework projects and labs. Time is of the essence, yet there is so little time! I don’t know about you, but for me the stress is definitely mounting.

Now is also the time where you start to value the small accomplishments. For example, “I slept 8 hours last night” or “I ate multiple meals today” or “I showered!”. When I was a bright eyed and bushy tailed first year I thought that to pull an all-nighter in pursuit of academic greatness was a badge of honour. As I’ve grown older and wiser, however, it has become a mark of shame denoting my poor time management skills.

Not having slept just doesn’t do you any justice in the long run, and although it is sometimes necessary to push through to say finish a project, you will pay with blurry eyes and a shorter attention span for the next couple of days. Healthy life, healthy brain. That’s my new mantra. Thanks to my wonderful 4th year schedule I do have more flexibility than in first year so my sleep schedule has shifted slightly and I get to take advantage of student deals for groceries. However, getting enough sleep and (basically) eating has left me basically functional as we head into  this upcoming exam period. A big step up from previous terms! Next goal? Exercising!

Good luck on exams my dear Iron Warrior readers! You can do it!

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