
I’m in 1B but Want to Know More About Engineering Exchanges??

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

If you’re in 1B this term, this is THE perfect time to start planning for an academic exchange in third year! It’s a great opportunity and privilege but you must prepare, organize, and plan!  You could be among the 15% of your class who go on this once-in-a-lifetime experience. During an academic exchange you’ll get to spend one or two academic terms at a partner university where you’ll take courses equivalent to those your classmates will be taking here at UW.  It is common for engineering exchange students to stay on the same academic schedule as the rest of their cohort and graduate with their class.

The Faculty of Engineering has exchange partnerships with over 80 top-tier universities in 28 countries around the world.  You’ll need to investigate which partner best suits your needs; many of our exchanges are restricted in numbers. Some are open only to certain disciplines of engineering, and for others, you will need to learn a new language.  In some cases, it’s best to go for a one-term exchange; in others, two terms works best. All this is a part of planning for your future career which could take you anywhere in the world.

To get started, visit our website (search for “Engineering Exchanges” from the UW home page) for all the details. On Facebook, look for the “UW Engineering Exchanges” group, which is specifically for outbound students and those who have been on exchange.  It’s moderated by the Engineering Society (EngSoc,) and Cindy Howe, the Administrative Coordinator of Engineering exchanges. Cindy’s office is in Carl Pollock Hall, Room 3658, and she can be reached at eng.ug.exchange.askus@uwaterloo.ca

 Don’t let this opportunity pass you by!


If you would like to do an exchange in Fall 2017 or Winter 2018, your exchange application must be submitted to Cindy by November 1, 2016.  You must start planning NOW! Finally, exchange is great for fun, travel and adventure.  You’ll visit parts of the world that stay-at-home students may never experience.  Don’t take my word for it; read what previous exchangers have to say:

“I wouldn’t have traded my experiences for the world.  My time on exchange was great: I got to go traveling and back packing, got to meet some fantastic people from all over the world, and I graduated on time with my class and my friends!  …  If you are even just considering an exchange, I recommend without the slightest reservation that you go. Waking up and looking forward to every day in a new country… that’s just not a feeling that you get [if you stay at home]!” (Matthew Lee, SyDe)

“Doing an exchange was probably the best decision I have ever made. I learned so much about engineering (of course), but also about European culture and history, and simply interacting with people of an entirely different background. The time and distance away from home, and the completely different lifestyle was definitely not easy to adjust to, but these aspects made the whole experience worthwhile.” (Winnie Tse, MechE)

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