
Student Teams: Waterloo Hybrid

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

I’ll give you a big hint to landing a great co-op job – become an individual who is not intimidated by challenges and readily accepts what comes his or her way. Now I realize you have probably heard that before and you are probably thinking to yourself how you can break you fears and grab opportunities as they come. Well the best way to start out is by joining a student Design Team. I represent a special team in the Student Design Center who are striving to design and engineer a Hybrid Formula One car that runs an electric motor and a 250CC Kawasaki Ninja motor in parallel! Why is our team special? Lets go in detail here, our team is composed of a variety of programs, including but not limited to Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Electrical Engineering and of course Mechanical Engineering. We are one of the only teams with such an interdisciplinary make up. We are ready to teach you everything you need to know (software, making circuits, designing actual parts and manufacturing them); we’ll show you how to build a hybrid Formula One car. The only thing we expect in return is you have the same passion and interest as us. One important fact about Design teams is that you can only benefit as much as you put in. Time management is a great quality and you’ll notice employers will take great notice of that skill. Being in a design team can greatly strengthen time management. It will be difficult, a bit overwhelming at times but it has a lot to give back. In Waterloo Hybrid, our team knows that the first year schedule is hectic, which is why we try to work as best as we can to your availability. Come by our Bay located in the basement of E5 and don’t forget to have fun in your first year! 

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