
Student Teams: Rocketry

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

The Waterloo Rocketry Team team consists of undergraduate students from over 5 different disciplines who are committed and eager to learn about rocketry engineering in a competitive hands-on environment. Each June, we compete against over 30 international teams in the Intercollegiate Rocket Engineering. For this competition, we design, build, test, and launch rockets to altitudes of 10,000’ and 25,000’. The rocket is fully student built, from initial designs down to the nuts and bolts. We also stand out among international competition as one of the few teams who produce hybrid rockets.

As a member of our team, you will be exposed to machine shop practice, fundamental aerospace engineering concepts, and experience with combustion systems. You will also gain various soft skills that cannot be acquired in the classroom.

There are always opportunities available for students from all faculties so feel free to drop by our bay in the Student Design Centre, or email us at uwrocketry@gmail.com. To learn more about us, visit waterloorocketry.com.

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