
Programs: Civil

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Welcome, class of 2019, to the wonderful world of civil engineering! Civil engineering is the second oldest discipline of engineering, after military engineering, and deals with road networks, transport systems, excavations and mines, structural systems, sewer systems, material sciences, and construction scheduling, to name a few.

In first year, you will take general courses in chemistry, calculus, physics, and linear algebra (Protip #1: Once you finish linear algebra you’ll want to forget it forever. But don’t – it’ll come back to haunt you in third year.). You will also learn how to survey on Columbia Lake, identify rocks and minerals in the Earth Science labs, program with Matlab, and loads of other impressive things.

Take advantage of your co-op terms to experience different work environments – and not just things you think you’d want to do. Visit construction sites. (Protip #2: if you don’t have a driver’s licence, get cracking on it RIGHT NOW.) Spend a work term in the oil sands. Work in the public sector. Work in the private sector. By the time you reach 3rd year, you’ll know which areas you’d like to specialize in, and will be able to take the corresponding technical electives in water resources, structural engineering, transportation systems, and more!

Until then, don’t be afraid to seek help from your TAs or your profs! Ask questions in class and visit them during office hours. But also remember there is a world outside the campus and people outside your class: get involved and write for the Iron Warrior, represent your class at EngSoc meetings, or compete with the Concrete Canoe and Concrete Toboggan teams. And don’t forget: CIVILS ALWAYS WIN.

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