
Colour Group: Dark Yellow: El Dorado

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Welcome, fellow citizens, to team Dellow (Dark Yellow). We are the peoples of the mysterious lost city of gold, El Dorado! This September, we are leaving our beautiful city to compete in the Battle of Ages. Join us on our quest to conquer the Battle of the Ages, where we will be in competition with many other courageous competitors- many who will do anything to win. As we leave our city, remember that these outsiders are of a peculiar species.  As your leaders, we have heard there are many other strange creatures in the world and must be careful . This is the first of many steps that you will take to achieving your iron (not golden!) ring. To prepare you for this amazing week, it may be beneficial to find things that rhyme with “El Dorado” (Mel Potato?). Come with us and experience a week you will never forget. In El Dorado, our clothes our gold, our houses are gold, and even our bathrooms are gold! It’s gooooooooooooooooooooooooold!!!

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