Hello class of 2019 and welcome to Management Engineering! We’re glad to have you join us.
Management Engineering is all about optimization, the knowledge to understand, design, implement, and manage, not engineers, but complex management systems that organizations are dependent on. Management engineers combine analytical methods, mathematical models, information systems, and behavioral science to solve problems and to strategically make decisions, arriving at optimized, efficient solutions.
With electives selection beginning in second year, management engineers can specialize in three areas: applied operations research, information systems, and management of technology. Applied Operations Research covers areas from manufacturing distribution, logistics, to supply chain management and applies mathematical models to find the best ways to coordinate and operate an organization’s activities. Examples of jobs in Applied Operations Research are consultant and production supervisor. Information Systems involves fields such as human-computer interaction (HCI), utilizing computer technology for the design, development, and implementation of applications to meet organizations’ needs. Examples of jobs in Information Systems are systems analyst and database administrator.
Management engineers start off first year with a solid foundation in chemistry, calculus, physics, programming, and financial engineering, before going onto upper years’ courses, a blend of the three specializations.
So that’s management engineering in a nutshell. It’s a long, but rewarding journey ahead, and we hope you enjoy the ride!
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