
Proactive Thinking: Proactive Results

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

So exams are coming up, and I’m sure everyone is under a lot of stress. I am also pretty sure that your professors have all these last minutes assignments and projects that they want you to complete, which sucks, but that’s the engineering life. Professors usually don’t really care about you or your life, just their own courses which they think is the most important course you are taking for that term (which is completely egocentric, and students suffer for it). So how do we overcome this harsh and cruel fate we are subjected to and make it to the end of term with minimal casualties? Be proactive!

The bane of most university students is that we try to leave everything for the last minute. That is why when we are given extra assignments we are in even deeper trouble because we still have to prepare for those finals coming up as well. This will lead to us pulling out our hair and regretting the fact that we enrolled into engineering. By being proactive, all of this can be avoided.

First make a list of all the work that has to be done and the days that they are due. This will help you gauge which assignments are due first and which ones are more important. Say that you had an assignment worth 10% and one worth 20% and they were both due on the same day, I am pretty sure you would want to prioritize the 20% assignment because it is worth more of your marks. Then tackle the assignments one at a time. If the tasks are assignments I would advise you to get together with friends and try to complete the work together because heck, more than one head is better than one and if you distribute the work evenly everyone will obtain the answers at a pace at least 2 times faster than it would take one person to do it. If you have a project, invest as much time as you can into those because they will require more time than assignments and most likely are not group projects. As for studying for the finals, study a bit of each subject a day so you won’t get overwhelmed when exam week hits and you are scrambling to understand certain concepts. Make sure to ask the TAs and professors for help! They are probably your best resource.

That’s probably the best advice I can give you on how to tackle the last couple weeks of this term. Be proactive, be ahead, and hopefully pass the term with less stress than you’re used to!!

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