
EngLife Improvement: Take Breaks!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Studying and working in engineering life is very common. We all know that but studying and working are not the only things we should be doing while we are on our study terms. Taking breaks should be a common occurrence that should happen. In reality, we do not have enough hours in a day to complete all assignments and study for all those subjects but still, we need breaks. Whether it is a ten minute reprieve watching several YouTube videos, an hour or so outside, or at the gym getting some physical exercise, you need it. It helps you in so many ways, not just physically and mentally.

First, the most important thing that will happen if you take some breaks is that you will become more productive. It’s true: imagine you are working for hours on end with no breaks, then you start to become sleepy, your mind wanders and then you fall asleep on those books. When you wake up you realize, “oh crap, I just wasted a good hour or two asleep”, and then you are driven even harder to get the studying and assignments done for the next morning. It’s something we don’t realize but in reality it is really helpful. If you could get it down to a half hour nap, one’s productivity would be even more amazing.

Another thing is that by taking breaks it will improve your physical condition even further. By working too hard, there is a higher risk of coronary heart disease and heart attacks. Since such a high risk awaits you when you work too hard, there is a higher probability that one will be less productive in the long run, because if a heart attack does happen it will equate to countless days in the hospital with doctor’s orders to do nothing strenuous and just rest. It may be a great reprieve if it happens during the exam period but who wants to be hospitalized because one is not taking their breaks?

As you can see, breaks may seem to be unproductive but in reality are quite the opposite. I would hope that after you read this article it will justify your extra naps and couple hours spent on YouTube every day because without these breaks we would be in reality less productive and could possibly end up in a hospital bed. So take breaks, be healthy and get more work done. A balance of everything is important and that includes working and taking a break from the stressful things that come with the engineering life.

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