Science & Technology

E3: Super Smash Bros for WiiU/3DS, PokemonOmega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Super Smash Bros for Wii U and 3DS

Remember when you were a little kid and only the N64 was out (only our older generation even knows what this console is) and there would be only a small variety of games that we would play because they were just that much more appealing than the others? Among the various ones included this gem of a title known as Super Smash Brothers. This arcade fighting style game featured characters from the various Nintendo titles like Mario, Metroid etc. This game has evolved twice more over the years, and now, it is time for its next evolution. Super Smash Brothers for the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS are supposed to hit stores sometime this fall. Currently they retain many of the classic maps as well as adding a couple of new ones and also a whole bunch of new characters. They include the likes of Megaman, Charizard, Greninja and many other new characters. Probably the most interesting additions to the character pool are your Miis!! Yes, those funky cool avatars you created can now be used in deathmatches. Be stoked, and be ready to empty your pockets because this is a game you don’t want to miss out on!!!

 Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire:

“I choose you Pikachu!!!” Those iconic words were from the first series of Pokémon. Since then Pokémon has grown into a multibillion dollar franchise, and a new product to add to their list is the remake of Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. This game showcases the third generation of Pokémon from the Hoenn Region, and there’s another new evolution type being released as well. From Pokémon X and Y, we were introduced to the mega evolution that only took place during battles, but this new evolution called “Primal Evolution” is to be for those legendary Pokémon that are showcased on the front of the original Ruby and Sapphire Box. Who knows, they might have it for other Pokémon as well, but for now, it is applied to only those two. More details to follow in the weeks to come.

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