Winter is coming. And with the changing weather and dropping temperatures, runny nose and coughing is also around the corner. Here are a few ideas to help prevent, or speed up, those soul-draining colds and flus.
Drink lots of water. Water will help flush out toxins and bacteria and other gross stuff. And it’s always important to stay hydrated while you’re sick. For a bit of healthy flavour, squeeze some lemon juice into your water, or add a quarter of an entire lemon. Lemon is filled with vitamin C, which is an immune booster. It also helps to destroy bacteria and clean your system by getting rid of toxins. If you wish to put parts of an entire lemon, make sure to clean the outside of the lemon first to get rid of nasty pesticides and other chemicals. It’s also a good idea to grate the lemon zest to add some extra pizzazz to chicken, rice, vegetables, or even yogurt. For the adventurous, try adding a small pinch of cayenne pepper to your water, or any other foods. This magical red spice raises your metabolism, and regulates your blood sugar. Cayenne pepper can also provide natural pain relief, and helps clear congestion. I would recommend trying a very small pinch in your water, and then increasing it slowly as you get used to it. Have it with lemon in water to reap the benefits of both!
Another great health food is ginger. Ginger is an anti-inflammatory, which means it can help with nasal and chest congestion. Try as a tea with some yummy honey.
Eat onions and garlic. These flavor packed foods are incredible ways to prevent sicknesses, and to speed recovery. They are both antiviral and antibacterial and boost your immunity, which means bye-bye bad bugs! To get the most out of garlic and onions’ healthy molecules, it’s best to eat them raw. Try crushing and chopping them, letting them stand for 10 minutes, and then eating them with toast and some olive oil. By letting them stand, this enhances the health-promoting benefits. Just make sure to eat these at night, and never before an interview!
By far the best way to prevent illness is to wash your hands! Make sure to scrub with warm water and soap for the length of time it takes for you to sing happy birthday to yourself, twice. This is the best way to prevent those nasty bugs from getting into your body in the first place.
Good luck for the coming winter, I hope these tips will help prevent or reduce your colds!
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