EngSoc, Uncategorized

That’s What’s Up (B-Soc President Report)

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

To all the first years, welcome! As for you non-first years, welcome back!

My lovely executive and I will have reports in every issue of the IW to update everyone on what’s going on. If you can’t wait for the IW issue to come out to hear from us (cuz you can’t get enough of us, right?), you can sign up to our mailing list (bit.ly/mailinglistb). You can also check us out on Facebook (Waterloo Engineering Society) and Twitter (@engsoc).

Now then, here’s what’s up.


This is our last term as your executive *sniff*, and we need to elect the new executive team. That means you get to vote on who will be the next exec.

Madelaine Liddy, our Chief Returning Officer (AKA person who runs the elections), will properly bombard you with all the information you need for the elections. But just in case you want yet another place to get the elections schedule, here it is.

September 23rd – 27th: Nominations
This when students who are interested in running will submit the nomination form. The nominees will need 15 engineering students to sign their nomination form, so be on the lookout on who’s running around asking for signatures, because soon enough they’ll be asking for your vote.

September 28th – October 4th: Campaigning
Posters, class visits, webpages, Facebook pages, and swag (maybe). This when the candidates will tell you all about themselves, their platforms, and why you should vote for them. Read their platforms, listen to them, and ask them tons of questions.

October 5th – 9th: Voting
That’s when you decide who had the best platforms, and who deserves your vote. Each and every one of you should get an email with the link to the voting webpage during that period. There will be voting booths at CPH Foyer as well. Don’t forget to vote!!

October 10th: New exec is announced at Semi-Formal
Come out to Semi-Formal, dance, be classy, and have fun. Also, we will announce the winners so you can congratulate them and maybe buy them a beverage of some sort.

Ask the Dean

As executive, we get to meet with the Dr. Pearl Sullivan, our dean, and talk with her about issues pertaining to students and student life. This term, we want to know what questions you have for the dean, and relay those questions to her during our meetings so you can get an answer. If you have a question for the dean, go to bit.ly/whatwouldyouaskthedean and fill out the Google form.

Well that’s all from me for now.

Stay safe kids.

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