
Directorships & Events: Charities

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

The Engineering Society supports several charity organizations through their plethora of charity events. The first EngSoc event of the term is the Charity Head Shave which will be on Sunday, September 8 in the afternoon before ComEng. The Head Shave is a barbecue where students bid for the rights to shave Orientation Leaders’ heads, all in support of the Canadian Cancer Society.

The next event coming up in the Fall term will be Color Me Rad!  This is a popular five kilometer run on October 6, 2013 in Kitchener/Waterloo which raises money for various local charities. At this event, runners wear all white and during the  run they are bombarded with fun “Color Bombs.” This is a great event to have fun, get active, and support charities all at the same time.

Next up is Halloween for Hunger! Do you miss the days of trick-or-treating from your childhood? This is the perfect event for you! Students trick-or-treat in costume on Halloween but request non-perishable food items to donate to the K-W Food Bank instead.

Then, we have Movember! If you are not familiar with Movember, it is an event that takes place during the entire month of November to raise awareness about prostate cancer and to raise money to aid in the search for a cure. Throughout the month, you’ll notice many students, faculty and staff growing moustaches (or in some cases attempting to). Feel free to run your own charity events for your classes also! Lastly, look for the charity directors in CPH every Wednesday at lunch to buy your charity-supporting grilled cheese sandwiches!

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