
Directorships & Events: Outreach

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Welcome to Waterloo Engineering. Please, sit down, stay a while and make yourself comfortable. Your next few years here will be anything but boring; especially with the various exciting outreach events run by the Engineering Society!

For the Fall term, there are lots of events and initiatives that give engineers a presence in the K-W community. For one, a new initiative to the ‘B’ Society, Engineering A Difference, will allow you all to have a bigger impact outside the school and in the community by volunteering your time at various events around the area. Like earning Girl Guide badges, you will all have something to collect every time you take some time out of your busy schedules to do something for others. Another great time to do something good for the community is an event called Halloween for Hunger. Instead of getting candy while trick-or-treating, you can get spare change or non-perishable food items that will go to our local Food Bank. For the month of November, many engineers will be growing their moustaches (male or female :P) and collect pledges for prostate cancer treatment. Finally, the Engineering Society also manages to create a float that will be showcased at the Santa Claus parade in December. Whether you like to collect money from others or want to volunteer any spare time you have, there’s always something that you can do that will better our K-W community.

Have you always wanted to get together with a group of friends and push a bus down a main road? If so, then Bus Push is for you! This event has been run once a year since the winter term of 1977, where engineering students would collect donations for a charity by pushing a bus for 6.5 km. Bus Push is a long-standing tradition that Waterloo Engineers are proud of, and is a great way to meet people, give back to the community, and just have an awesome time pushing a bus. On another note, we all have those dreary days filled with impossible integrals and vicious vectors where you’d just love to take a break and explore your artistic side. If this sounds like you, perhaps CANstruction would be your cup of tea! This event is run in the winter term and it involves Waterloo engineers collecting non-perishable food and using it to create a beautiful masterpiece! If creating a majestic sculpture of cans wasn’t enough to catch your fancy, the structures are then judged, prizes are awarded, and all food collected is donated to the Waterloo Food Bank. Did you hear that we had our own month? That’s right, March is National Engineering Month! Celebrate by volunteering with a group of students to construct an over-engineered apparatus to set off a chain reaction, thus accomplishing a simple goal. That’s right, a Rube Goldberg machine. Put those engineering skills to work while showing the KW area what being an engineer is all about!

If you have any ideas of your own, feel free to reach out to an Exec or even an involved upper year student so that you can put your engineering skills towards the greater good of our community.

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