
Story-time Courtesy of Yours Truly

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello students. Today I will be telling you the story about Joey-Joe-Bob. Joey-Joe-Bob was an engineering student at the University of Waterloo. He, like many other students, had to write stressful exams that required a severe amount of preparation and studying. First, JJB  would start studying early. Starting the day or two before the test simply would not do. JJB found that cramming only lead to grief and suffering in the long run. He would start his studies by putting together a short set of “study notes,” a digested version of the course content. These study notes would then serve as a sort of guide – when the required information for a course is condensed in this manner, the most important topics will often become apparent. JJB would then be able to focus his attentions on these vital topics, and the “big picture” concepts. These study notes can then be saved, and act as a “refresher” course for the final exam. JJB used these notes often, as he would know exactly what he knew, and would not study the material he already understood.

JJB studies a little bit every night – even if it’s just spending 10 minutes, per class, reviewing what was covered that day. JJB really found this to be a boon when converting new concepts to long term memory. JJB also was sure to take some time to enjoy himself. All work and no play makes Joey-Joe-Bob a very sad student.

In JJB’s spare time, he would play sports, video games, watch a movie with friends, or one of many other different activities that you might like yourself. He knew that a burn out due to school was a very real possibility in Engineering. He also knew that if he really needed to talk to someone, be it about study skills, personal issues, or even career planning, Engineering counselors could be booked for an appointment at (519)888-4761. Someone would always be there for Joey-Joe-Bob, just as someone is always there for you.

Signing off, VP Ed.

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