What drove you to become an engineer? Was it the undying desire to create something you seen on TV, the ability to forge together anything in your imagination, or the need to be part of a team working towards a goal? If you answered yes to 1, 2, or all 3 of the following questions then the MAKE group is the thing for you. The goal of the group is simple: We make things. We want to bring together a community of all kinds of students across campus: Engineering students, science students, math students, arts students and anyone else who wants to build things.
Wondering what projects we have on the horizon? Well, you tell us. The MAKE group wants to build what you want to build. Bring your ideas, bounce them around the community, and find similar people who want to help you reach your goals. We also have team projects on the team to-do list for competitions, we’re upgrading old projects, and we’re starting new ones. We’re a new student team and have only been around for the last four months but we have already put together a couple of projects including an attachable iPhone microscope and high altitude camera. So If you’re interested keep an eye out for us on Club Day, because the MAKE group needs you.
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