The University of Waterloo Nanorobotics Group (UW_NRG) is an undergraduate student microrobotics team. Composed of approximately 40 undergraduate engineering students, UW_NRG designs, fabricates, and manipulates robots on the micro scale for international competition. The team was founded in 2007 when a group of undergraduate students set about the task of designing a microrobot. Since then the team has expanded. UW_NRG is currently working on four different robots and has competed internationally three times, placing first in 2010 against teams of graduate students and professors from all over the world. UW_NRG has seven different sub-teams: four technical teams, a controls team, a marketing team, and a business development team. UW_NRG is looking for a wide variety of talented students to contribute to various team projects! Check us out at and on Facebook or Twitter!
Student Groups – UW Nanorobotics Group
Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.
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