
North of da 45th Parallel

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Editor’s Note: This article is published in print as part of The Tin Soldier – a satirical and humorous insert published with the final issue of each university term. Articles that are part of The Tin Soldier are not meant to be taken literally or seriously.

Hey der dears! How’s it going der eh?

Griff & Amanda here from da great white north der eh. Perhaps ya have overheard us talking in our Nordern Ontario speak and have wondered what in da name of Tunderin’ Jesus we be saying. So we have written a little poem for ya der dears so you too can join in on our Great Nordern Culture!

Higgidy diggity dock

Da norderner ski-dooed around da block

Da clock struck one

A moose der hun!

And dey fell asleep on da dock

Next time ya be passing north of da 45th parallel for co-op or just for fun, keep your eye out for your two favourite Nordern Ontarians.

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