I previously commented on how the article from Volume 33 Issue 2, entitled The USA: The Last Pillar of Freedom was unacceptable for publication. However, I failed to express to what degree this article was out of line. The article stepped past the line set by our code of ethics, and I was in error by allowing it to be published. The premise of this opinion piece was that the United States of America is the only place where freedom is properly valued. The article presents itself in a way that is discriminatory and offensive to anybody from China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Iran, and anybody else who is not American. I am sorry that I allowed such a piece to be published, and The Iron Warrior will work harder to ensure that such offensive articles do not make it into our publication in the future. It is important to note that opinion articles are not required to be the opinion of The Iron Warrior, the Engineering Society, or the Faculty of Engineering.. This article does not represent the opinion of The Iron Warrior, the Engineering Society, or the Faculty of Engineering.
Re: The USA: The Last Pillar of Freedom
Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.
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