
Amanda’s College of Cultural Knowledge: 4th Year Room Etiquette

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

During my five years here at UW, I have observed behaviour that has  both impressed me and made me think, “Some people’s kids…” I present to you the top five things which you should do and consider avoid doing that I have observed in my fourth year room over the past 11 months so you may have a peaceful and enjoyable fourth year room experience.


  • Listen to others and let them finish their sentence before cutting them off
  • Hold the door open for a person walking ≤ five feet behind you
  • Log off the computer when you are finished
  • Put your trash and food crumbs in the garbage or recycling
  • Refill the water in the Keurig if your coffee finishes it


  • Play music in study spaces and then sing along (especially if you are off key)
  • Read or watch a video with headphones on and burst out laughing loudly while others are studying
  • Play Starcraft constantly while screaming like a girl and shouting to your teammate across the table, “Aaah, The Zergs are coming! I’m being canon-rushed! Help me! Aaah!”
  • Scroll through every irritating ringtone on your phone to decide which you should use for the next 48 hours before you do it again
  • Have intimate relations on the communal couches, or even joke about the things you’d like to do with your imaginary girlfriend if nobody else were in the 4th year room … This is a study space, not an on-call room in Gray’s Anatomy

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