
Mike’s Last Comic

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

I have always enjoyed making comics for fun, and I tend to do just that during most of my lectures. I enjoy seeing people laugh at my work and I bug the hell out of the people sitting beside me in class by forcing my comics on them. I have happily doodled comics for the Iron Warrior for over 2 years now but there comes a time in every comic artist’s life when he is forced to retire. It is now my time. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank my adoring fans and everyone who has taken the time to read one of my works. Remember that one about the lifeguard and the toaster? That was funny, wasn’t it?

One thing most of you wouldn’t know about my comics is that the majority of them never get published. I don’t consider it a good term unless at least 50% of my submitted comics get banned for being too offensive.  The other 95% of my comics I don’t even bother submitting because I KNOW they’re too offensive. After all the time I have spent coming up with comics that pushed the boundaries of acceptable offensiveness, I think I have finally found that sweet spot.

My last comic will incorporate everything I have learned about appropriate humor during my stint as resident comic guy with the best newspaper in the world. Here is a comic that includes (but is not limited to): children playing dangerous sports, poor sportsmanship, cheating, satanic magic, assault with a deadly weapon, murder and Edward from Twilight. These are in order of increasing offensiveness. I have complete faith that the Iron Warrior will still publish it. Enjoy.


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