
Engineering and the World: Applied Health Science

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Applied Health Sciences often gets a pretty hard rap from the rest of the faculties due to its association with Rec and Leisure. We all think that they have it easy: some of their classes are actually gym right? In fact, AHS students are the perfect people to get to know, but not necessarily because they know where to find a good party. Applied Health Sciences prepares students for fulfilling careers helping other people. Many medical practitioners, physiotherapists and other sorts of useful practitioners come out of AHS to save us from ourselves…and our unhealthy habits.

Bio/ native habitat/ lifestyle: The anatomically correct walk of that student in front of you is probably not entirely the result of genetics. With dozens of classes on how to straighten your spine, properly orient your gait and prolong the effectiveness of your brain through healthy habits, AHS students have been scared into robot-like adherence to good health. If you thought anti-smoking campaigns got grizzly: think again. The ways a body can become deformed are limitless. AHS students are always getting the right kinds of food, the right amounts of exercise and the right kinds of extracurriculars for their future job applications. They can be found taking some quality time for themselves playing sports, eating nice meals with friends and enjoying their extracurriculars, including countless program-specific powwows to keep themselves on track. You may occasionally find these students out on the town enjoying life before they head in to the more intense regime of medical schools and private practices, or perhaps even event planning or the horrors of being a high school gym teacher (for the last two, I have to admit, Rec and Leisure does exist, and they enjoy more ‘eventful’ future careers). For the most part, AHS students are quietly going about their own business, overachieving at everything they set out to do.

How we interact: When we begin to crack under the stress of our fast-paced lives it will be these students who can help us. Even now there is a higher interest in having general lifesaving skills for AHS than other faculties. In fact, the pace of our lives will be just about perfectly matched-each getting minimal amounts of sleep, which is perhaps why AHS and engineering have a joint semi.

Common areas of interest: Not math, as AHS is perfect for those who hate math because very minimal math courses are required; if you want to talk math, go find a mathie. We do, however, share a general interest in maximizing efficiency: us of various engineering processes; them of the human body.

Verdict: AHS has us covered for all our health and wellness needs.

1 Comment

  1. Science play vital role in our life and over come many problems . With out science products invention we can not survive . It brought revolution in our life and health . This blog is based on this topic and i appreciate it . It increase my knowledge on this topic . 

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