Humour, Science & Technology

Big Things with Will Zochodne: Spinosaurus (not some lame ass plant eating dinosaur)

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Guys, I’ve been flooded with literally thousands of requests to write about a dinosaur. Personally I think dinosaurs are pretty dumb animals that just stood around eating and getting bigger. The Spinosaurus (meaning spined lizard) seemed to be the coolest and largest meat eating dinosaur. Check it out.

As you can see from the picture, the optimum riding position would be on the neck just before the spiny bit. The Spinosaurus actually has decently sized arms (unlike the useless T-Rex) allowing for excellent missile launcher mounting locations. Honestly though, the 40,000 lb maximum weight of the Spinosaurus is its greatest weapon. That’s about a Russian T-34 main battle tank and change.

Nobody really knows how fast this thing could run, but does it really matter? It’s like debating if a building can run at 10 or 15 km/h. No matter if it reached you in 30 seconds or a minute, it’s guaranteed to ruin your day. Most of the time the Spinosauraus would use badass super sensitive pressure sensors in its nose to locate and eat gigantic dinosauric fish. Sometimes though, it would eat bigger stuff.

The Spinosaurus could take down the Carcharodontosaurus if it was feeling particularly peckish. I’ve calculated that as the equivalent of pounding back 53,988 baconators. If a caterpillar can eat several times its own weight in leaves and transform into a butterfly, I’m pretty sure that if a person consumed a few thousand baconators they would eventually break through the layers of their own fat and emerge as a Spinosaurus. I challenge all of you serious dinosaur lovers out there to try.

I don’t even know how, but apparently this thing can swim too. Upwards facing nostrils allowed for easy breathing on the surface while it was taking a break from snaking on sharks. If I were a Spinosaurus though, I’d probably just drink lakes dry and load up on beached fishes. There is no doubt that this 20 ton amphibious killing machine was the greatest predator of all time.

Well there is your precious dinosaur article. Now I’m sure you’ll want to go watch Jurassic Park again instead of studying (note how the Spinosaurus annihilates the T-Rex). Hopefully everyone has enjoyed another semester of Big Things!

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