
What the WEEF?!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello ‘B’ Society! My name is Laurin Benson (3B Chemical) and I am the ‘B’ Society Waterloo Engineering Endowment Foundation (WEEF) Director. You may already be familiar with WEEF, and how wonderful we are, but for those of you who are not, here’s the low-down. WEEF is a charitable, student-run organization which supports departmental and student initiatives which benefit undergraduate engineering. For example, when your department needs new lab equipment, they come to WEEF. When our incredible student teams need support for building the next championship car/snowmobile/robot/rocket, they come to WEEF. When the department wants an awesome new Student Design Center, they come to WEEF!
So how does WEEF work? WEEF is supported by students like you and continues to grow every term. We have grown so much in 20 years that this term we are projected to hit a principal amount of $10 million! AMAZING! Each term, WEEF contributes the interest earned on this principal to undergraduate engineering. Not only this, but WEEF contributions are determined by student representatives from each class. This Funding Council ensures that the money each term goes to the best places by having voices from all departments, years, etc. The best part is that the WEEF principal will only continue to grow, meaning that your contributions will be felt many years into the future.
This term, proposals to WEEF were due on October 21st at 11:30 pm. Departmental proposals will be presented to the Funding Council on November 1st and student teams proposals will be presented to the Funding Council on November 3rd. Deliberation and final decision-making will be made at the final Funding Council meeting on November 8th. WEEF will be contributing a whopping $60,000 this term. HIGH FIVE!
For now, keep an eye out for information about the WEEF $10 million Party! Coming soon to a CPH Foyer near you! Also, start your countdown for the new WEEF Website, launching for Winter 2012 (for which 110% credit goes to the technical genius of ‘A’ Society WEEF Director, Brock Kopp).
Think that your initiative deserves WEEF Funding? Want more information? Want to join the Funding Council? Visit weef.uwaterloo.ca for more information or contact the WEEF director at weef@uwaterloo.ca

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